Audit and Assurance Services

Manosh Singh CPA & Associates audit and assurance services team, provides quick and efficient responses to client needs. Our audit and assurance team serve for businesses and organizations across both for-profit and non-profit industries. Our team tailors each engagement to match the client’s complexity, special industry considerations, and timing needs. Where appropriate, we utilize sophisticated audit techniques using the latest technology. Our professional approach focuses on delivering quality and efficiency to maximize value to our clients.

Business Audit and Assurance Services

Our team has the technical skill and industry experience to deliver high-quality audit and assurance services. Our professionals work with client management team to ensure that we identify and adopt the latest accounting standards and financial reporting issues. Our team also advises on the implementation of checks and balances to ensure accurate financial reporting results.


The professionals at Manosh Singh CPA & Associates will work with you to plan and design financial statement audit engagements. This process is designed to minimize disruptions to your personnel and operations, while still adhering to professional standards. 

The benefits of an audit include:

  • Obtaining the highest level of assurance that can be provided on financial statements.
  • Ensuring the accuracy of your financial statements. (This level of reasonable assurance is defined as high, but not absolute.)

You’ll receive an audit report, a communication to decision-makers, and, if needed, information on internal control deficiencies.


A financial statement review, while less extensive than an audit, can help you get a deeper look into financial information and inquiries of management.

You will receive the following after your review:

  • Limited assurance on your financial statements.
  • An accountant’s review report.


If you don’t require any form of assurance on your financial statements, a compilation or preparation engagement may be a great fit. This assembles financial statements consistent with US GAAP and any other special purpose framework.

You will receive:

  • An accountant’s report
  • Accompanying financial statements

Employee Benefit Plan Audits

Our professionals can help audit your employee benefit plan. This process helps to ensure the accuracy of your plan’s financial statements, and its compliance with applicable governing documents and regulations.

This includes:

  • 401ks
  • Employee stock ownership plans
  • Health and welfare benefit plans

You will receive an auditor’s report, a communication to those charged with governance, and a communication of internal control deficiencies if necessary.

Single Audits

Not-for-profit organizations receiving federal grant funding commonly find themselves subject to the single audit requirement. The single audit provides assurance to the federal government that a non-federal entity has adequate internal controls in place and is in compliance with program requirements.

Our deliverables include:

  • An audit report on internal control and financial reporting
  • An audit report on compliance with major programs
  • A schedule of expenditures of federal awards

Agreed-Upon Procedures

Our team can perform agreed-upon procedures and engagements for those clients needing the assistance of an independent third-party to report findings based on specific procedures performed on a specified subject matter. Our deliverable includes a report to specified parties.

Controls Reviews

 A financial statement review, while less extensive than an audit, provides limited assurance which is often a satisfactory level of assurance for third party users of your financial statements. Our audit and assurance team will perform an engagement to test the operating efficiency of your organization’s internal controls. 

Our deliverable includes:

  • A report on our findings
  • Recommendations to correct identified deficiencies

Forensic Audits

Our professionals assist clients in investigating allegations of fraud, misconduct, and the misappropriation of assets. We will work with you to quickly pursue the facts, respond appropriately, and remediate effectively. To address increasing risks associated with the prevalence of fraud and financial crimes in today’s environment, our professionals also perform fraud risk assessments.